
Check out the long list of Clean Air Day events you can join or create your own to be listed HERE!

Bay Area

Central Coast

Central Valley

Inland Empire

Los Angeles


San Diego


A note about COVID-19 and virtual vs. in-person events

In keeping with Centers for Disease Control Guidelines we fully embrace virtual events as a way of celebrating California Clean Air Day. Just like in-person events, we encourage you to think creatively on ways that you inspire others in your community to take action. Examples of clean air events that can be done virtually include leading a class through an online science experiment, hosting a lunch and learn with a guest speaker to talk about the latest trends in clean air technology, a subject-specific tweet-storm, a webinar on bicycle safety and much more.

For those of you who choose activities that are place-based, please take every precaution to ensure that these events are outdoors, require participants to wear facemasks and do not require extended standing closer than six feet. Examples of events that may fit these requirements include bike-rides, certain types of giveways, certain types of tree planting events and public awareness efforts. Click here for the latest CDC guidelines on in-person gatherings.


Regional Groups

Curious who’s making California Clean Air Day happen in your area? Check out the pages below – more information on happenings in each region to come!