Event Microgrant Program

California Clean Air Day 2024 Microgrant Application

Participation from organizations like yours is what makes California Clean Air Day great! Applications open May 6, 2024.

Funding of up to $1,000 is available to make California Clean Air Day a success in your community. Please complete this grant application for potential funding for your local event or activity. To be eligible for funding, the local project must occur on or within the seven days prior to California Clean Air Day on October 2, 2024. The local project must 1) raise awareness of Clean Air Day, 2) contribute to cleaning the air or encourage participants to take actions that will clean the air, and 3) successfully engage at least 100 participants/attendees.

Examples of uses of the funds include supplies for events (food, tables & chairs, refreshments), marketing expenses, city permit costs, materials for activities (shovels/tools, giveaways, educational materials), etc.

Previous local projects have included: bike or walk to school day, clean air fairs, indoor air quality education events, youth art contests, tree planting events, community biking or walking tours, no idling campaigns, and open street events. There is no limit to what can be done as long as the project meets the 4 requirements stated above, and that the groups submitting this application must include at least two organizations (the lead organization and partners), and the lead organization and its partners must fall into different categories as follows:

Category A: City, County, Schools, or other Government Agency manager, official or representative
Category B: A health care provider (public or private)
Category C: An established community organization, including Indigenous Tribes
Category D: A business organization (chamber of commerce, economic development agency, business improvement district, etc.) or a small business.
Category E: Labor Unions

Applications are due by Friday, July 26, 2024 at 5pm. Notification of funding will be shared in August.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your Clean Air Day event must fall within 7 days of Clean Air Day on October 2, 2024