North Central Coast
The North Central Coast covers San Luis Obispo, Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties. These counties vary from pristine coastlines to lively inland valleys. While air quality has greatly improved in this region, there are many ways for residents, students, businesses, organizations, and visitors to help clean our air.
On October 5, 2022, our region can work together for clean air. California Clean Air Day is the perfect time to try out transit, test drive an electric vehicle, and commit to not idling your gas-powered car or truck.
2022 North Central Coast Working Group
Jim Dantona, San Louis Obispo Chamber of Commerce
Amy Clymo, Monterey Bay Air Resources Control District
Nancy Faulstich, Regeneration Pajaro Valley
Mary Gardner, SLO RTA
Miles Horton, Office of Assembly member Robert Rivas
Yesenia Jimenez, Watsonville Wetlands Watch
Kieran Kelly, Office of Santa Cruz County Supervisor
Vicente Lara, Monterey County Health Department
Isabel Meza, Office of Assembly member Robert Rivas
Natalie Olivas
Maria Perez, Regeneration Pajaro Valley
Whitney Ramos, Santa Cruz Business Council
Jennifer Snacher, Pajarro Valley USD
Claudia Pineda Tibbs, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Catherine Stedman, Central Coast Community Energy
Kieran Kelly, Office of Santa Cruz County Supervisor Zach Friend
Ashley Paulsworth, Monterey County
Richard Stedman, Monterey Bay Air Resources Control District