Organization Clean Air Pledge

Last year more than 500 organizational partners helped us build a community around clean air. We encourage returning partners and new participants to be a part of the effort to bring clean air to California by pledging to do your part on and up to California Clean Air Day on October 2, 2024. The pledge below suggests actions your organization can take to improve air quality based on your organization type, and you can let us know what else you pledge to do at the end of the form.

Be sure to look for an email after signing up with resources and engagement tracking tools just for you, including a link you can send to your employees or community. You will also receive login info for your own page to help you see how many on your list have signed up, who has expressed interest and how your organization compares to others.

If you took the Clean Air Pledge last year, you can log in with your account now to pre-fill information from last year. Click here to log in.

No need to stress out about your answers – the questions about metrics are for internal purposes only!